A pet is more than just an animal that you care for and feed every day. A pet easily becomes a member of the family and a best friend.
It comes as no surprise that many people who experience a pet dying often feel as though they have a lost a treasured member of their family.
It makes sense that these pet owners would want to somehow memorialize their pet’s memory, much as we do with our actual human family members.
With this being said, there are tons of pet memorial ideas that are on the market that are meant to allow you to showcase your love and affection for this beloved pet.
I Compiled This Heartfelt List of 61 Pet Memorial Ideas To Help You Out In A Time Of Grief
Please let me know how this list works for you. I know there are a lot of different kinds of pets out there and tried to pull together a good and helpful list. But I am always open to feedback. Thank you for joining me here and I hope you find a wonderful memorial for your beloved pet.
1. Pet Memorial Wind Chime
The pet memorial wind chime is one of my favorite pet memorial ideas. Every time the wind blows and I hear those beautiful chimes, I get the opportunity to remember my sweet little Gracie. She was with me for many years and this little chime help ease my aches of missing her. I hope you get the opportunity to try this out because it has blessed me so much and I sure it will help you too.
2. Paw Prints Left By You Pet Memorial Blanket
The next time you snuggle on your couch missing your best friend, you will want to have this blanket. One of my favorite things to do is to snuggle and this blanket gives me the memorial of Gracie now and for many years after she has left this world. Grab it today and you will find out what I am talking about.
3. Beautiful Pep Memorial Frame
Grab this frame to set up a wonderful memorial for your dearly loved pet. I have this frame on my kitchen counter near my refrigerator so every time I am cooking I can remember our great times together.
4. Collar Memorial for a Dog or Cat
I love this idea. I have not yet done this but plan to pull out Gracie’s old collar from the attic boxes. What a great way to use your dog or cat’s memory but with a collar memorial like this one!
5. Pet Memorial Photo Plaque
If you are looking for a simple and easy way to remember your beloved pet, we have you covered with this wonderful pet memorial photo plaque. This will be a beautiful addition in your home.
6. Paw Print Pet Memorial Stone
This paw print pet memorial stone is about 8 inches wide and it waterproof so it will be a wonderful addition to your garden or backyard deck or even the family office.
7. Honor Your Pet with a Special Tree
Plant a tree in honor of your pet, something that will always be around and is going to be a way to honor their memory.
Check out a wonderful company if you are interested to learn more:
8. Have a Custom Story Printed for Your Pet
One of the best memorials that you can have and is one way to work through your grief. You can have this printed to be put onto an urn, or in a form that you can you display on your mantle.
Check out this link to learn more:
9. Get a Paw Print Urn

For your pets’ ashes there are several options that you can choose from and one of those is a paw print jar that you can easily display at home.
Check here to see more:
10. Glass Blown Cremation Urns

These handmade glass urns offer an artistic flare on the usual urn that is used for the ashes of your pet. This may be the best option for those who are looking for something that is unique!
Click here to learn more:
11. Granite Boulder Urn

Have a special message crafted and adhered to a granite urn that can be placed outside where you poet most loved to stay. Your pet’s name and perhaps how they will always be remembered is a great option!
Check here to learn more:
12. Engravable Wind Chime

Every time the wind blows, have a wind chime that is going to ring and remind you of your pet!
Check here to learn more:
13. Consider a ShadowCast Urn

These types of urns are cast into bronze colored resin and they are hollowed out inside for the pet’s ashes.
Check here to learn more:
14. Faithful Angel Cat Figurine

For those who lose a beloved cat, this cat figurine is meant to adorn your home throughout the year reminding you of your beloved feline friend.
Check out this link for more information:
15. Garden Stone with Pet Footprints

A great decorative way to remember your pet that can be placed outdoors on a favorite stoop or in a garden.
Click this link for more information:
16. Cremation Jewelry

Opt for cremation jewelry as a way to keep your pets close to your heart at all times!
Check out this link for more information:
17. Pet Memorial Photo Ornament

A pet memorial photo ornament is a great way to showcase your favorite pet, while hanging this on a Christmas tree or any where in your home!
Check out this link for more information:
18. Feline Urns

These urns are specifically made for felines and they are made from granite stone and resins to hold the ashes of the cat.
Check out this link for more information:
19. Image Memorial Plaques

Have a plaque made of your pet that can be sat in any room of your home! This will allow you to have a unique portrait of your pet that you can place anywhere in your home.
Check out this link for more information:
20. Reliquary with a Glass Lens

This is something that you can easily place ashes, whiskers or even hair in that you can wear around your neck or simply have near you! It can bring peace for those who are missing their furry friends.
Check out this link for more information:
21. Launch Ashes into Space

Launch your pet’s ashes into space. Share them with the universe.
Check out this link for more information:
22. Create a Plush Animal

Have a plush animal made in the replica of your deceased pet!
Check out this link for more information:
23. Have an Outdoor Flag Made

Have an outdoor flag made that memorializes your pet or even offers a saying that helps you remember them.
Check out this link below to learn more:
24. Framed Photo Urns

A framed photo urn serves a dual purpose. This is going to allow you to have something that will hold your pets’ ashes, as well as display a lovely photo of your beloved pet.
Check out this link below for more information:
25. Name a Star After Your Pet

For those who want something that is unique, name a star in their honor!
Check out this link for more information:
26. Design a Shadow Box
Design a shadow box that is going to showcase everything that you loved about this pet!
Check out this link below to learn more!
27. Plant a Memorial Garden

Plant a garden that is honor of your beloved pet. You can easily find everything you need at your local garden store!
28. Get a Pet Charm That Looks Like Your Furry Friend

Have a charm designed in the image of your pet to wear forever!
Check out this link below for more information:
29. Terrarium

Have a terrarium made in honor of your pet! It is something that will require care but will be around for years to come.
Check out this link below for more information:
30. Figurine Urns

These urns still offer a way to store the ashes of the pet, but you can opt to put a figurine that closely resembles your beloved pet that is attached to the top.
Check out the link below for more information:
31. Get a Garden Statue
Have a garden statue that you can place in your yard in honor of your lost pet!
Check the link below to see more:
32. Hair or Ash Beads

Have custom beads made that are designed to hold the ashes of your beloved pet or even the hair.
Check out this link to learn more:
33. A Pet Memorial Bench

A pet memorial bench that you can place in your garden is a great way to honor your pet!
Check out this link to learn more:
34. Get a Tattoo!
Many pet owners have their pet tattooed onto them in order to always have them near them! Get in touch with you neighborhood tattoo shop to explore your options.
35. Get a Professionally Portrait Done

Have a picture you love of your pet? Be sure that you have this memorialized with a hand-drawn picture!
Check out this link for more information:
36. Teddy Bear Keepsakes

These Teddy Bear Keepsakes are a twist on an urn. Each bear comes with a small plastic container that is placed inside the bear that can easily hold a small amount of ashes in this. This is great for dividing the ashes among many people who loved the pet!
Check out this link for more information:
37. Make a Donation To Your Local Animal Shelter!

Make a donation in honor of your late pet to the local animal shelter or other types of organizations that are out there!
Check out this link for more information:
38. Have the Ashes Made into Fireworks!

This is a great idea and one that you can celebrate!
Check out the link below for more information:
39. A Decal for Your Pet

Have a decal made to showcase your beloved pet!
Check out this link for more information!
40. Paw Print in Clay

This is something that you can ask your vet to do for you. As it all it requires is to place your pet’s paw into the wet clay and allowing this to set!
41. Frame a Favorite Picture!

Frame a favorite picture that you have, and even consider having this blown up to fit a larger frame!
Check out this link for more information:
42. A Grave Marker
If you bury your pet, be sure to order a grave marker!
Check out this link for more information!
43. Turn Ashes Into Diamonds

Have the ashes of your pet turned into diamonds to put into your own jewelry.
Check out this link for more information:
44. Memorial Dog Tag

Have a memorial dog tag made in order of your pet!
Check out this link below:
45. Get a Pet Nose Pendant

A pet nose pendant can be a great way to memorialize your furry friend.
Check out this link:
46. A Personalized Pillow

Have a personalized pillow made of your furry friend that you can always hold onto!
Check out this link for more information:
47. Have a Candle Made

Have a remembrance candle made with your pet’s name on this!
Check out this link for more information!
48. Get a Pet Memory Box

Have a pet memory box made that you can easily place pictures or collars in!
Check out this link for more information!
49. Make A Pet Memorial Key Ring

Have something with you to always remind you of with a pet memorial keyring.
Check out this link for more information!
50. Have Glasses Made of Your Pet

Have glasses made with the image of your pet on these to use every day!
Check out this link for more information!
51. Get a Custom Coffee Mug

Have a coffee mug that you can use everyday that always reminds you of your furry friend.
Check out this link for more information!
52. A Flower Pet in Honor of Your Pet

Have a flower pot made in memory of your pet that you can always keep with you!
Check out this link for more information!
53. Glass Bone for Dog Memorials

Always have a little something to remind you of your dog with this glass bone.
Check out this link for more information.
54. Pet Memorial Figurines

Have a figurine made that looks just like your beloved pet.
Check out this link for more information!
55. Put Together a Photo Album

Put together your own custom photo album dedicated to your late pet!
Check out this link to learn more!
56. Have Jewels Made from the Pets Remains

Have the teeth or hair made into jewelry or trinkets that are custom ordered.
Check out. this link for more information!
57. Snow Globe with Your Pets Ashes

Have a snow globe made that utilizes your pets ashes in it.
Check out this link her for more information!
58. Wear a Memorial Crystal

These memorial crystals are meant to give you peace and tranquility over your loss.
Check out this link for more information!
59. Memorial Suncatchers

These memorial suncatchers are going to catch your attention with each ray of the Sun and remind you of your pet.
Check out this link to learn more!
60. Pet Memorial Earrings

These earrings use glass and the ashes of your pet to ensure you always have them with you!
Check out this link for more information!
61. Adopt a New Pet

It may seem as though you are moving on too fast if you were to adopt another pet. However, many people have often adopted a new pet when their last companion has died. Why is this? It helps them to heal a bit of the hole in their heart. While they will never forget that other pet, having something new to love can go a long way in helping the person heal. However, this should only be done if you are truly wanting another pet and is not something that you simply decide on a whim.
This website is a great way to start your search if and when you are ready: https://www.petfinder.com/
How to Choose a Pet Memorial
With all these ideas, it can be hard to decide just what type of memorial do you want to have for your pet? It can be a difficult decision to make. And many people consider what to get for several months after they have lost their pet, which is understandable, especially after enduring the cost of dog cremation or cat cremation.
While this may have been an animal, chances are you treated this pet as though they were family, and they were.
Therefore, the memorial that you choose is definitely a personal decision to make. So, how can you make this choice? We have a few questions that can help you to narrow down your choices.
- Did your pet stay indoors or outdoors? For many people, they want a memorial that showcases the life that their pet had. For indoor pets they may be more likely to consider a picture frame memorial, while outdoor pets they may choose a garden paving stone.
- Did you have the pet cremated? If you did, then an urn is the most obvious choice for your pet memorial.
- Was there something that your pet simply loved? Many people have pets that loved staying in their garden or underneath a tree in their yard. When this is the situation, choosing a memorial that is going to be placed in these areas is often a great option.
A few other aspects to keep in mind:
- You don’t have to settle on just one memorial. You can just several for those who are struggling with the best decision. For example, many people opt for jewelry that holds their pet’s hair as well as an urn for their memorial.
- Remember if you are renting a location that you may not stay there forever. Therefore, an outdoor memorial may not be the best choice.
- You want a memorial that when you glance at this brings you peace that your beloved pet is still with you in a way.
- You do not have to make a decision about a memorial immediately following the death of your pet. In fact, it may be wise to wait a few days when you are not as emotionally upset.
- If this pet was a family pet, be sure that you get the opinion of everyone in the family so that you can decide on the best memorial together.
- There are tons of ideas out there, so don’t be afraid to go with something that is unique or make it one of a kind with your own flare!
The Emotional Benefits of Having a Memorial
Why do people opt for memorials for their pets? Many psychologists today realize that the pet of a family or an individual is an important bond in their life. When this bond is broken, grieving is natural. In fact, for many people the bond that they had with their pet is stronger than what they have with other people…and that is nothing to be embarrassed about. This is why the number of memorials that are out there to choose from are so vast, people want to memorialize their pets in some way so that they can always remember them. So, how can a memorial help you?
- This can give you some type of closure. Those who never have a memorial for their pet often have this hole in their hearts a bit longer than those who have something that can remind them of the good times with their pet.
- It is a great way to show appreciation for all that your pet did for you. After all, researchers have shown that pet owners are often happier and less stressed thanks to the light that their pet brings into their life.
- It gives you an object or place at your home that you can still feel your pet. While your pet may be gone, often times a memorial can be one of the best ways that you can still feel close to this pet.
A memorial is meant to help you remember your pet as they was, instead of focusing on the fact that the pet has died. It is a way to honor their life and all that they did to help you in your life. The better question is why wouldn’t you decide to memorialize your pet?
It can be hard to think about the death of your pet, especially if this was sudden. However, a memorial may be just what you need in order to start appreciating your pet and all that they offered to your life. In the end, the memorial that you choose should be a great representation of your pet and be something that constantly reminds you of this treasured friend.